BUYING LAND w/ Jacob Hart | Wildlife, Tillable, Auctions,...
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ATA SHOW 2024 | Recap from St. Louis + Updates from the F...
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Jeffrey Dukart
THE WRAP UP | Doe Hunts + SHED BUCKS + 3 Takeaways...
Wrapping up the 2023 Season and a look ahead to the New Year! This week the guys talk about their recent doe management hunts, survivor bucks and key takeaways from the past season.
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Jeffrey Dukart
"Long Horn" is DOWN | Breakdown + Late Season Hunting Tactics
We are back in the studio with some continued SUCCESS! JJ Dukart breaks down the hunt for a buck he called "Long Horn" and the guys talk about the upcoming plans for wrapping up the 2023 deer season!
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Jeffrey Dukart
Late Season "BUCK SHIFT" | RUT or FOOD? That is the question...
In this week's podcast we discuss the SHIFT from Post-Rut hunting tactics to Late-Season food sources. The grind never stops when chasing these mature whitetails we love so much! We hope you enjoy this week's podcast and can take away some tactics for the upcoming weeks!
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Jeffrey Dukart
"Sticker 10" | 180-inch GIANT MN Buck + Post-Rut Hunting Tactics..
This week we look back at recent success by Bryan Lemke of Almond Eye Productions. Bryan walks through the HIGHS and LOWS of hunting a specific target buck like "Sticker 10" and how satisfying it can be when it call comes together!
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Jeffrey Dukart
The 300-Inch Buck | Then & Now w/ Dan Coffman...
Shooting a 300-inch whitetail buck is an extremely rare and incredible feat! Dan Coffman accomplished this back in 2015 when he arrowed a once-in-a-lifetime buck he called Christmas Tree. On this week's podcast we dive into the hunt for Dan's 300-inch buck and how hunting tactics and strategies have changed from THEN (2015) to NOW!
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Jeffrey Dukart
October SUCCESS + Self-Filming Strategies w/ Connor & Jonah
This week on the podcast we are joined by two team members from Almond Eye Productions, Connor Deis and Jonah Bell. We break down their recent Big Bucks harvests and discuss self-filming setups and strategies for capturing your hunt on video!
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Jeffrey Dukart
Pre-Rut Tactics | Seeking Phase Strategies with Ben Rising
In this week's podcast, we are joined by Ben Rising as we dive into pre-rut and seeking phase hunting tactics. Ben's background as a timber buyer, logger, and trapper has played a huge role in his understanding of mature whitetail behavior.
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Jeffrey Dukart
PROVEN Early Season Tactics | Big Buck Strategies w/ Ben Rising...
Ben Rising of Whitetail Edge is in the Deer Society studio talking about Big Buck Tactics for the Early Season! Opening day is HERE or is fast approaching for many of us. NOW is the time to take advantage of these proven strategies...
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Jeffrey Dukart
UPS & DOWNS of Hunting Season | How to STAY in the Game...
In this Deer Society podcast we are joined by Andy Orr of Advanced Whitetail Systems to discuss the UPS and DOWNS of a bowhunting season. Topics discussed include: Setting realistic goals, Strategies to stay positive, Putting things into perspective. The hunting season is a marathon, not a sprint, so enjoy every moment you can while its here!
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Jeffrey Dukart
Trail Cameras 101 | Placement - Strategies - Tips - Tactics...
This week's podcast focus is all about trail cameras! We break down the where, why, how, when and talk about some of our most successful strategies of the past. We hope you enjoy this discussion and can pick up a strategy or two along the way!
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Jeffrey Dukart
HIGH ODDS on Big Bucks | Making Small Changes for BIG Results...
In this week's podcast, we have Andy Orr of Advanced Whitetail Systems in studio to discuss the small changes you can make for BIG impacts on your hunting success! Topics discussed include Scents, Mock Scrapes, Decoys, Food Plots, Water Holes, and more..
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Jeffrey Dukart
Big Summer BUCKS Transitioning | Velvet, Food, Water, Shift...
It's late summer and the Big Buck transition is only weeks away! In this week's podcast we discuss the tendencies we are seeing NOW with mature buck movement and what we EXPECT to see in the coming weeks. Now is the time to wrap up our pre-season prep work and lock in plans for opening day in just a few...
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Jeffrey Dukart
FALL FOOD PLOTS | New Plots, Maximizing Volume, Fixing Failures...
It's PEAK planting season for fall food plots! In this week's episode we give updates on the status of our plots, talk planting strategy and tactics, and cover the three main aspects of fall food plots. New Food Plots, Maximizing Established Plots, And Fixing Failures...
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Jeffrey Dukart
SPRING HABITAT | Food Plots + Shed Hunting + Turkey Hunting!
In this weeks podcast, Mike joins us for an in-depth discussion about all things spring work; food plot planting, turkey hunting, shed hunting and more! It's time to get our hands dirty...
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Jeffrey Dukart
A GAME CHANGER in the Food Plot World | What is a Food Plot System?
This week on the Deer Society podcast we have an exciting NEW PRODUCT ANNOUNCEMENT. Illusion has released the first ever "ALL-IN-ONE" Food Plot System to the deer hunting community! Welcome to the Next Level of Food Plots... ► LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST TO WIN A FREE FOOD PLOT SYSTEM!
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JJ Dukart
WINTER HARDSHIPS | Season Recap, Lessons Learned & 2023 Plans...
The Deer Society team is back in the podcast studio to discuss thier 2022 season recap, lessons learned, a recent trip to the ATA show and other BIG plans and products coming in 2023!
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JJ Dukart
The FINAL Push | Targeting a GIANT Late-Season Buck...
As we roll into the late-season hunting period, we talk about some of our final hunting plans for 2022. Topics discussed include late-season tactics, high-risk, high-reward hunting strategies, and our Top 3 preferred food sources.
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JJ Dukart
Post-Rut "SHIFT" | Q&A, #1 Late Season Food, Hunting Tactics...
In this week's podcast we discuss the upcoming Post-Rut to Late-Season hunting shift and follow it up with some great Listener Q&As!
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