Deer Calling Instructional: Call Maintenance (Episode 7)
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Deer Calling Instructional: Blind Calling (Episode 6)
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JJ Dukart
Deer Calling Instructional: Calling Strategy (Episode 5)
In Episode 5 of our advanced deer calling instructional series, Mike Dukart discusses the importance of communicating with deer, not just making deer sounds with your call. By learning these advanced tips and tactics, you will be able to communicate with deer more effectively out in the field and bring them into range.
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JJ Dukart
Deer Calling Instructional: Buck Communication (Episode 4)
In Episode 4 of our advanced deer calling instructional series, Mike Dukart breaks down the full whitetail buck language. Learn how to effectively replicate the contact grunt, trailing grunt, breeding grunt, croaks, pops, click and more. Once you master these calling techniques and have a full understanding of the meaning behind these sounds, you're ready to take to the field...
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JJ Dukart
Deer Calling Instructional: Doe Communication (Episode 3)
In episode 3 of our advanced deer calling instructional series, Mike Dukart breaks down the full whitetail doe language. Learn how to effectively replicate these vocalizations and identify when to use these sounds in the field to increase your communication success.
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JJ Dukart
Deer Calling Instructional: Fawn Communication (Episode 2)
In episode 2 of our advanced deer calling instructional, Mike Dukart breaks down Fawn Communication and vocalizations. When done correctly, the fawn bleat can be a great vocalization to use for calling in mature does and bucks during the hunting season.
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JJ Dukart
Deer Calling Instructional: The Basics (Episode 1)
In the first episode of our advanced deer calling instructional series, we begin by mastering the basics. Mike Dukart breaks down the proper mechanics of using a deer call and demonstrates how to correctly use hand positioning, air pressure and inflection to create the most realistic vocalizations possible with the Extinguisher deer call. Once you master these basics, it's time...
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